Port 25 - SMTP
SMTP is a server to server service. The user receives or sends emails using IMAP or POP3. Those messages are then routed to the SMTP-server which communicates the email to another server. The SMTP-server has a database with all emails that can receive or send emails. We can use SMTP to query that database for possible email-addresses. Notice that we cannot retrieve any emails from SMTP. We can only send emails.
Here are the possible commands: HELO - EHLO - Extended SMTP. STARTTLS - SMTP communicated over unencrypted protocol. By starting a TLS-session we encrypt the traffic. RCPT - Address of the recipient. DATA - Starts the transfer of the message contents. RSET - Used to abort the current email transaction. MAIL - Specifies the email address of the sender. QUIT - Closes the connection. HELP - Asks for the help screen. AUTH - Used to authenticate the client to the server. VRFY - Asks the server to verify if the email user’s mailbox exists.
We can use this service to find out which usernames are in the database. This can be done in the following way.
nc ip
telnet ip
This process can of course be automatized
Check for commands
nmap -script smtp-commands.nse <ip>
The command will look like this. -M for mode. -U for userlist. -t for target
smtp-user-enum -M VRFY -U /root/sectools/SecLists/Usernames/Names/names.txt -t <ip>
It can also be done using metasploit
msf > use auxiliary/scanner/smtp/smtp_enum
SMTP documents
- https://cr.yp.to/smtp/vrfy.html
- http://null-byte.wonderhowto.com/how-to/hack-like-pro-extract-email-addresses-from-smtp-server-0160814/
- http://www.dummies.com/how-to/content/smtp-hacks-and-how-to-guard-against-them.html
- http://pentestmonkey.net/tools/user-enumeration/smtp-user-enum
- https://pentestlab.wordpress.com/2012/11/20/smtp-user-enumeration/