Types Of MalwarePermalink


A trojan is malware that is designed to look like legitimate applications. Once the application is installed the trojan can do what task it is designed to do, like install a back door. Since the user has to willingly install the application, social engineering or phishing is often used with this type of malware.


This is a general term for any software or application which allows external privileged access to the system. These can lead to persistent access on the victim mahine.


This type of malware can self-replicate and spread to other systems. They can be designed to perform different actions on the victim system.


A virus attaches itself to the files on a victim system. This causes abnormal behaviour. They require user interaction to run.


This is designed to stay inconspicuous and covertly gather information. This can infect BIOS, bootloader, memory or applications and are very difficult to detect.


This encrypts the computer’s file system then requests payments to decrypt them.

APT MalwarePermalink

These are highly sophisticated and often state sponsored. They use custom-built malware to penetrate its targets.


  • Trojan
  • Seal sensitive user information
  • Can do web attacks, install malware and information from victims machines.
  • Developed into a worm then a malware solution then an all in one attack framework “the anchor”
  • Distributed through spam emails


  • Ransomware
  • Though to be developed by APT Gold Garden
  • Uses a zip file that is downloaded.
  • Macros i the Zip will start the encryption process


Used to steal payment information