Threat Exposure check

  • Using multiple tools to look for IOCs they have retrieved from intelligence vendors.
  • This is considered a tactical task since it requires deep technical understanding.

IOC Watchlists

Watch lists are often used in SEIM environments to continuously scan for IOCs. This automates the process to free up time for the analyst

Public Exposure checks

This is using OSINT techniques to find what information is publicly available about the company.

These can include:

  • Image metadata
  • Leaked information
  • Warning signs of insider threats
  • Brand abuse/impersonation
  • Data Breach dumps

Threat Intel Platforms

What are tips?

  • Can be deployed as a Saas or on-premises solution.
  • Can contain: actors, campaigns, signatures, bulletins, and tools techniques and procedures (TTP)
  • TIPS can do: Aggregation and normalisation of intelligence, integration with existing security controls, and analysis and sharing of threat intelligence.

Why use tips

  • Puts all intelligence in one place
  • Can automatically provide reports

Data Aggregation


  • Open source
  • 3rd Party paid
  • Government
  • Trusted Sharing Communities
  • Internal


  • Email
  • .csv,.txt, PDF, word

TIP products

  • Malware Information Sharing Platform (MISP)(Opensource)
  • Threat Connect
  • Anomali
  • Threat Q


  • Malware information sharing platform
  • Open-source
  • Support sharing with network intrusion detection systems (NIDS), Host Intrusion Detection Systems (HIDS), and log analysis tools like SIEM

What does MISP do

  • Facilitate the storage of technical and non-technical information about seen malware and attacks
  • Create automatically relations between malware and their attributes
  • Store data in a structured format (allowing automated use of the database to feed detection systems or forensic tools)
  • Generate rules for Network Intrusion Detection System (NIDS) that can be imported on IDS systems (e.g. IP addresses, domain names, hashes of malicious files, pattern in memory)
  • Share malware and threat attributes with other parties and trust-groups
  • Improve malware detection and reversing to promote information exchange among organisations (e.g. avoiding duplicate works)
  • Create a platform of trust – trusted information from trusted partners
  • Store locally all information from other instances (ensuring confidentiality on queries)

How does MIPS work

  • Efficient IOC database
  • Automatic correlation finding
  • Built in data sarong functionality
  • GUI - advanced filtering
  • Structured data storing
  • Easy export features
  • Easy import with a range of formats
  • Flexible text import tool
  • STIX support